Looking to the future
The Commercial Aviation Work Group is separate from the Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission
The Commercial Aviation Work Group has different members and a different mission. The Commercial Aviation Work Group will use the previous information found during the Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission as a baseline of information to continue their work.
Commercial Aviation Work Group goals
The Commercial Aviation Work Group was created by the Legislature in HB 1791 (PDF 10KB) and will evaluate the long-range commercial aviation and transportation needs of the state, including alternatives for additional aviation capacity which includes expanding use of existing airports and multi-modal opportunities.
“This work group will focus on use of new technology, environmental stewardship and resiliency in aviation,” said Ann Richart, WSDOT Aviation Director. “Its members will be instrumental in considering how aviation can contribute to livable communities in Washington, particularly in western Washington.”
The Commercial Aviation Work Group is not an airport site selection group
The goal of the Commercial Aviation Work Group will be to recommend a workable solution or set of solutions to meet the travel needs of the region. Many have called the Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission the “airport siting study” but that is not the goal of this effort. The group wants to find an innovative solution that will meet the entire community’s needs, and that may mean not building a new airport.
The Commercial Aviation Work Group has no authority or budget to create plans for a new airport
The goal of the Commercial Aviation Work Group will be to recommend a workable solution to the Legislature to meet the travel needs of the region. The group wants to find an innovative solution that will meet the entire community’s needs, and that may mean not building a new airport.
Voting members of the Commercial Aviation Work Group are determined by the Governor’s office
The Governor’s Office appoints the 19 voting members to the Work Group according to the categories designated in HB 1791. Eleven non-voting members are invited to join the Work Group by the voting members, also according to categories designated in HB 1791.The position requirements can be found on the Governor’s Board and Commission profiles website under “Commercial Aviation Work Group” and those interested can apply now. Application reviews began Oct. 9 and will continue until all seats are filled.
Commercial Aviation Work Group meeting schedule
We expect the Commercial Aviation Work Group to meet every two weeks for the first couple of months as they get set up and lay out a work plan. These meetings should be 1-2 hours with a blend of in-person and virtual meetings. After the first initial meetings, we will have monthly meetings expected to be 4 hours long with an additional 2 hours per month of prep time. The work is expected to continue for four years.
Find updates about the Commercial Aviation Work Group
To find information and updates about the Commercial Aviation Work Group, continue visiting this website. The website will always be up to date with the latest information. You can also subscribe to receive email updates that may include brief updates, press releases, meeting information and more.
Send your comments and questions to the Commercial Aviation Work Group members
Please use the Commercial Aviation Work Group contact page to submit your comments. All comments will be logged and relayed to the Work Group members. Please send your questions to the Commercial Aviation Work Group email. A staff member will respond to your question as soon as they are able.